Council newsletter

14 Dec 2020

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Main take-aways from the 32nd Council of the European Greens!

The 32nd Council of the European Greens was broadcasted live from Warsaw and Brussels between the 2nd and the 6th of December.

The Green family gathered safely and exchanged on solutions for today’s most urgent topics: how we can work to counter Rule of Law backsliding in Europe; the importance of a Just Transition for the European Green Deal; support for the cultural sector and the future of work in the post-COVID economy; and how we can continue to fight for the human rights of all Europeans.

Find below the main outcomes of the council:

The next Council is planned to take place from 28 to 30 May 2021, in Brussels or online, depending on the circumstances. Stay tuned for updates on this!



December 5th - 14:30

Cultural Sector after COVID

Ideas exchange - Future of work:
what can Greens offer workers?

Local Councillors Network:
Cities and Climate emergencies

EU Funds for Socio-Ecological Transition:
How to shape them? How to use them?

Animal Transport


The following resolutions have been adopted by the 32nd EGP Council:


Congratulations to Marie Pochon and Emma Nohrén, who have been elected as the two EGP representatives to the GEF General Assembly, until the autumn of 2023.

Behind the scenes

You can also find a selection of photos from behind the scenes during our Council in our Flickr album. We hope you like them!

Join the Green family fund!

Every gift you make until 20th of January 2021 will directly support selected artists from Poland. In return they will give us the gift of culture. You will soon be invited to see them perform and hear from them directly at our re-imagined digital New Year’s Reception at the end of January. Stay tuned!

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European Greens

European Greens © 2020

Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.

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