Join us in preventing a cold war with China
Dear friend of the Quincy Institute, 

The last two years have revealed how easily Washington can go down the path of enmity. We are -- today -- almost inexplicably, on the brink of a devastating cold war with China.

Clearly, China poses numerous challenges to the US, and the many points of contention must be addressed -- not ignored. But securitizing the relationship over these differences does not advance US interests or security. It only brings us closer to an otherwise avoidable cold war.

There should be no doubt: If a cold war with China becomes the organizing principle for US foreign policy in this century, we will have more endless wars, not less.
We will have a more bloated Pentagon budget, which ironically will make us less rather than more safe.

We will fail to meet the existential challenges of this century, such as climate change and pandemics, which require global collaboration -- not confrontation.

This issue will come to a head next year.

Managing tensions with China constructively and avoiding a cold war with Beijing will top the Quincy Institute's agenda next year. We are building the coalition that can meet -- and defeat -- the forces of confrontation.

But we can't win this fight without you! 

Make a 100% tax-deductible gift to the Quincy Institute today to make a down payment on a more peaceful future! 

Trita Parsi
Executive Vice President
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

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