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Despite significant opposition from community members and leaders, Eversource is moving ahead with their plan to construct a high-voltage electrical substation in East Boston, in the flood zone of the Chelsea Creek, next to a children's playground and 8 millions tons of jet fuel for Logan Airport. We have one last chance to stand with the Eastie community and prevent this potential disaster from coming to be.

The Energy Facilities Siting Board has scheduled hearings on the substation for December 16th and 17th. GreenRoots is organizing an actionar tonight at 6:30pm to take collective action to demand the hearings be postponed given that East Boston residents are dealing with some of the highest COVID infection rates in the City of Boston, unemployment, evictions, homelessness, food insecurity and so much more due to the worsening pandemic. This is our last chance to stop this dangerous and irresponsible project! We will be live tweeting and making calls to Secretary Katie Theoharides office urging her to cancel the hearings, and reconsider the need for substation entirely. The community has NEVER seen the data that suggests this infrastructure is needed to meet electric demand.

RSVP for the "No Eastie Substation" Actionar here.

In solidarity,

Sam Payne
Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
350 Mass

About Better Future Project and 350 Mass

Better Future Project (BFP) builds?grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels.?350 Mass is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network.?

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