Monday, December 14th, 2020

How Lincoln Created Two New States for Partisan Political Advantage

Thomas DiLorenzo

Fake Pandemic, Fake Casedemic, then Fake Pandemic … And the Fraud Continues

Gary D. Barnett

Sausage Making at FDA: How Human Cancer Cells Got into Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Why Michael Morell Cannot Be CIA Director

Ray McGovern

Nigel Farage Predicts the End for Johnson if PM Makes ‘Last Minute’ Brexit Concession

Jason Dunn

A Letter to the Warden of the Prison for the Elderly

Eric Peters

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan Found Dead After Warning People To Investigate Her Death

Arjun Walia

Back in the Bahamas

Taki Theodoracopulos

Texas GOP Chairman Suggests ‘Constitution-Abiding States Should Form a Union’ After SCOTUS Tosses Election Suit


Yet Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship

Caitlin Johnstone

Power Outside the Matrix: What It Means

Jon Rappoport

Sometimes Life Really Is Like a Bad Dream

James Howard Kunstler

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