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An end to denominational education may be a fitting way to mark the centenary of Northern Ireland next year, First Minister Arlene Foster has suggested.
Chris McNaghten and Jon Swan married in Co Antrim in a ceremony officiated by a religious minister with the Harbour Faith Community, which describes itself as the home of progressive Christianity.
An investigation is under way after Redditch Labour councillor Joseph Baker stood up to a group of around eight people reportedly shouting that "homosexuals are going to hell".
The head of a strictly-Orthodox advocacy group in Stamford Hill has been banned from three London hospitals after being accused of abusive behaviour towards nurses and of falsely claiming to be a chaplain.
Londoners are being warned to be on the alert to thwart a potential pre-Christmas terror attack as the country's top counter-terrorism officer revealed that investigations into extremist plotting have reached a new record high.
"As it stands, the bill is a shoddy piece of work: unfit for its intended purpose, a significant attack on free expression and an affront to foundational standards of liberty."
The fact that blasphemers need protection in our 21st-century world is a bad sign and a clear indication that humanity in many parts of the world has not made much progress, says Leo Igwe.
We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 16 December.
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