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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 14 December


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Call for end to compulsory religious worship in Scottish schools

Children's rights organisations have backed a report calling for an end to compulsory religious worship in Scottish schools.

Scottish Legal News


Joint schooling in NI should be revisited, Foster suggests

An end to denominational education may be a fitting way to mark the centenary of Northern Ireland next year, First Minister Arlene Foster has suggested.

The Irish Times


Church knew of sex‑sadist priest Joseph Quigley years before police

Rather than report priest's abuses, officials sent him to a private clinic for treatment.

The Sunday Times (£)


First same-sex religious wedding takes place in Northern Ireland

Chris McNaghten and Jon Swan married in Co Antrim in a ceremony officiated by a religious minister with the Harbour Faith Community, which describes itself as the home of progressive Christianity.



Religious group's speech in Redditch treated as hate crime

An investigation is under way after Redditch Labour councillor Joseph Baker stood up to a group of around eight people reportedly shouting that "homosexuals are going to hell".

Redditch and Alcester Advertiser


Strictly-Orthodox Jewish leader banned from three hospitals for ‘abusive behaviour’

The head of a strictly-Orthodox advocacy group in Stamford Hill has been banned from three London hospitals after being accused of abusive behaviour towards nurses and of falsely claiming to be a chaplain.

Jewish News


London warned to be on alert for Christmas terror attack

Londoners are being warned to be on the alert to thwart a potential pre-Christmas terror attack as the country's top counter-terrorism officer revealed that investigations into extremist plotting have reached a new record high.

Evening Standard


‘Changes to Hate Crime Bill must get the closest scrutiny’

"As it stands, the bill is a shoddy piece of work: unfit for its intended purpose, a significant attack on free expression and an affront to foundational standards of liberty."

The Herald


‘Ideas can be tolerated without being respected. The distinction is key’

Tolerance is being perverted by those who think it is about not causing offence, says Kenan Malik.

The Guardian


Spain: New education law will downgrade religion in schools

Church organisations in Spain are opposing a new education law which will downgrade religious teaching and curb the independence of Christian schools.

Church Times


Muslims targeted under Indian state's 'love jihad' law

Police in India have rounded up Muslim men and disrupted interfaith marriage ceremonies under new laws prohibiting so-called "love jihad".

The Guardian


‘Protection of blasphemers in Nigeria’

The fact that blasphemers need protection in our 21st-century world is a bad sign and a clear indication that humanity in many parts of the world has not made much progress, says Leo Igwe.

Modern Ghana


The latest from the NSS


Pandemic harming freedom from religion in many countries, says report

The Covid-19 pandemic has undermined the rights of people who reject religious norms in many countries, a report has found.


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Digital communications and engagement officer

We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 16 December.


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