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Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots
It just keeping getting worse. The Democrat criminal syndicate didn't just try to pull off the greatest heist in human history but they went out of their sway to insure a thoroughly corrupt and unverifiable election. They despise the common man. ...

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’
The criminal Democrats have awakened the sleeping tiger –> America.

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that he intends to ...

WATCH Dramatic Scene As President Trump Flies Over DC Trump Ralliers in Marine One

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2020

WATCH Dramatic Scene As Trump Flies Over DC In Marine One during March For Trump Rally

By Conservative Opinion, December 12, 2020 ...

WATCH: DNI Ratcliff says he briefed Congress on China’s efforts to ‘blackmail’ our lawmakers
Think of President Trump's Executive Order on Foreign Interference ……


Election Will Be Overturned Based On GROSS VIOLATIONS of President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order On Election Interference
Treasury Sanctions Iranian ...

Once again,  Demented ole' racist Joe lets the cat outta the bag.

Related: WATCH: Biden Bragged That Democrats Had “The Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization In The History of American Politics”

LEAKED BIDEN AUDIO: Barely Able To ...

GA. Democrat Candidate Raphael Warnock’s Involvement in Child-Abuse Case at Church Camp Which Led to HIS Arrest
Another dead-on-balls representative of radical, criminal party of violence, treason and election theft.

Police Reports Shed Light on Warnock’s 2002 Arrest for Obstruction: ‘Extremely Uncooperative and Disruptive’

Warnock repeatedly ...

TRUMP PEACE: Oman, Indonesia likely next countries to forge ties with Israel
President Trump is a miracle worker and a genius. And he will be revered by the Jewish people of Israel for eternity. As he should. It has been reported that such a declaration from Oman (and possibly Indonesia) will take place during Vice ...

MAJOR LEAK: ‘Lifts the Lid’ on the Chinese Communist Party, ‘Exposes’ Members,Communist China data leak shows ‘Massive Infiltration’ in Firms and Government Offices
This from Sky News. You won't get it from the ChiCom-Democrat-Media.

Is the US State Department MADE IN CHINA?

— The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) December 13, 2020

Major leak 'exposes' members and ...

Hunter Biden Subpoenaed Over Burisma, $400K in Burisma Payments, Two Dozen Other Entities As Part Of Four Investigations
All for the segregationist 'big guy' why the corrupt Democrat-media-cabal made sure the American people were kept in the dark before the heisted election.

Hunter Biden raked in $6M in 9 months from Communist Chinese dealings – not including ...

THE PATH TO VICTORY: The President’s Constitutional Plan
Anyone who thought defeating the forces of evil would be simple or easily resolved better snap back to reality. This is war. The extent of the corruption and evil is systematic, it's in the bones of the thing – down to the nitty gritty shitty of ...

UK: Imam says his congregation has been called rude names online and on the street
A Muslim rape gang – yet another – was just charged with 196 counts of rape, sex with a child, trafficking and false imprisonment, but let’s be frank: there are more serious crimes being committed these days in Britain, and the Yorkshire ...

An Accounting For Armenia
An Accounting For Armenia

By: Alberto M. Fernandez, MEMRI December 2020;

Turkey was one of the losers of the First World War, surrendering most of its Middle East empire, but it did quite well in a series of post-war conflicts from 1919 to ...


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