In case you missed it, Mitch McConnell and his Senate majority refused to even consider the For the People Act (H.R. 1) -- a bill the House passed almost two years ago which would outlaw partisan gerrymandering at the congressional level, hold elected officials accountable for corruption, institute new voter protections, and get big money out of politics.
The current congressional session is about to end. We can't let this Senate majority get away with inaction, friend. They need to know there is strong public support for one of the most robust anti-corruption bills since the Watergate era.
Will you add your name to our petition to show everyone in Washington that you're all in for H.R. 1?
Signature Goal: 10,000 Current Signature Count: 5,993 Your Signature Status: Missing |
H.R. 1 is a once-in-a-generation democracy reform effort to clean up our political system. It's no surprise that the Senate majority is ignoring the will of the people.
The For the People Act would finally hold them accountable and return our government to the people -- not only by implementing redistricting reform -- but also by shepherding a package of democracy reforms that would value and amplify the voices of all Americans over corrupt, special interests.
Some of the biggest, structural challenges and hurdles that prevent folks from making their voice heard would be eliminated if we passed H.R. 1 -- but currently, the obstructionist Senate majority is standing in the way.
Help us make sure the Senate knows this grassroots movement supports democracy reforms.
-- The AOTL Team