Yesterday, Climate Strikes kicked off across Europe, and throughout the day we witnessed the largest ever climate mobilisation unfold. See how it happened, in highlights: it will make your day!

Hi John,

Yesterday, Climate Strikes kicked off across Europe, and throughout the day we witnessed the largest ever climate mobilisation unfold. Latest tally: a breathtaking 4,000,000 people in the streets of the world. Let this sink in!

But John, the beauty of yesterday goes far beyond the number of people who took to the streets. It’s about us showing up for each other, and standing together to challenge the status quo, in our hope and love, but also in our rage and grief.

Watching the photos and videos coming in had me in tears more times than I can count. See how it happened, in this best-of photo gallery: it will make your day! Then, please - share it with your friends, so together we can inspire even more people to keep showing up.

If you don’t use Facebook, take a look at this Twitter thread, or share this blog post with European highlights.

The strikes will continue throughout the week to culminate next Friday, on the 27 September. Yesterday was just the beginning. There’s much more to come. 

But yesterday was special: it showed all of us that we can be brave. We can be hopeful. We can claim the power to shift the world. We owe it to each other. 

Onwards, with more hope than ever before,

Julia, for the entire team

PS: Keep showing up! Here’s a number of ways you can make each day into a Friday For Future. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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