I hope you can join Kirsten and I on Tuesday night.

Team, it’s been gut wrenching to see the long lines as of late at our nation’s food banks. Struggling Americans are waiting hours to access food to feed their families, and this is unacceptable. This pandemic has dramatically worsened the very serious issue of food insecurity in communities across the country, and we must do something about it.

As we continue to work on these issues in Congress, my dear friend Kirsten Gillibrand and I have also decided to team up for a special event to support local food banks in our respective states.

We’re hosting a Zoom happy hour this Tuesday, December 15th at 7:30 p.m. ET. To join the conversation, all we ask is that you make a donation here to support local food banks. All proceeds will support the Community FoodBank of New Jersey and the Food Bank for New York City.

Our food banks are facing an unprecedented demand as a result of the pandemic. During these difficult times, they need our support. Any amount you can donate would mean the world to a family in need.

Will we see you on the Zoom Tuesday night? I certainly hope so. It’s sure to be a fun conversation and will support a great cause.

Thank you for embracing the spirit of giving this holiday season.

— Cory