Computer glitch!  Report were showing us our Christmas party had sold out, but about 1/3 of the rsvps were showing up twice!  This means we have about 65 seats still available!!!!  First come, first serve!  You must reply to this email with:

number of adults:
number of children 10 and under:
your email address:

Any rsvps that do not include exactly that information will be ignored.

You will know you have a ticket when you get an email confirmation. 

We hope you can join us!

It’s a True Texas Christmas with all our friends from True Texas Project in all counties — including dinner, games, & pictures with Santa!

At True Texas Project, we have a lot to celebrate this year, and what better time to do that than Christmas! Please join us! We’re having a potluck dinner, games, and even pictures with Santa!

  • True Texas Project will provide the brisket, drinks and tableware; you provide the sides.
  • True Texas Project will provide a rousing episode of The Newlywed Game; you provide the laughs.
  • True Texas Project will provide pictures with Santa & Mrs. Claus; you provide your kids and grandkids!
  • True Texas Project will provide scholarships to high school seniors who stand up for conservative values within the public schools; you provide the financial support!

What a team we make!

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