Weekly Round-Up

Quincy in the news

December 13, 2020


Neo-primacy and the pitfalls of US strategy towards China
By Joshua Shifrinson, Non-Resident Fellow
Washington Quarterly, 12/11/20

Over the last half decade, a bipartisan consensus has emerged in US foreign policy circles calling for sustained competition with China. The ostensible goals of this competition are to protect the extant international order, block Chinese regional hegemony, and defend American allies—all of which notionally require major changes in US grand strategy.

Bibi wants Biden to bend the knee
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Newsweek, 12/10/20

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not one to pull his punches when it comes to American presidents. The assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was not just a particularly daring attack against Iran. It was also Neyantahu's opening salvo against President-elect Joe Biden in what is already set to be an uneasy relationship. Rather than endearing himself and Israel to the new American president, Bibi instead chose to throw the first punch. His signal to Biden was clear: On Iran policy, Israel calls the shots.
How we can build on Trump’s North Korea policy 
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 12/11/20

Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun delivered a speech on Thursday in Seoul on the future of US policy toward the Korean peninsula. While his calls for North Korea to return to the negotiating table and to strengthen the US-South Korea relationship are welcome steps forward, Biegun glossed over key shortcomings of the Trump administration’s Korea policy.
Why retired general and Raytheon official Lloyd Austin should not head Pentagon
Interview with Andrew Bacevich, President
Democracy Now, 12/11/20


Are Saudi Arabia and Qatar on the road to reconciliation?
Interview with Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
TRT World, 12/9/20



WEBCAST: With the most powerful military on earth, why can’t we decisively win wars?
With Daniel Davis, Mandy Smithberger, & Senior Analyst Mark Perry; moderated by Senior Advisor Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
Quincy Institute, 12/9/20




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