Dear John,

Urgent action needed: Stop the Line 3 Pipeline before it’s too late.

Construction for the Line 3 Pipeline in Minnesota started the beginning of December -- despite multiple pending lawsuits. Take action to stop the Line 3 Pipeline before it’s too late.

Line 3 would transport 760,000 barrels of tar sands oil daily. It will have the equivalent climate impact of adding 38 million vehicles to our roads.

All pipelines leak. Line 3 would be no different -- but it would be carrying Tar Sands oil - the dirtiest oil on earth, which is so heavy it sinks in moving water. What’s more, it violates the treaty rights of the Anishinaabe people. We need your help to stop this pipeline before construction begins.

Demand your Representative take immediate action to stop the Line 3 Pipeline.

The proposed Line 3 pipeline route is through the heart of Anishinaabe territory - and through beautiful lakes and wild rice beds. Additionally, it’s set to run underneath the Mississippi River. Eighteen million people depend on the Mississippi and its tributaries for drinking water. A spill from Line 3 near the top of the country could pollute the drinking water for millions of people downstream.

Line 3 is a threat to water, air, people, and the planet. It disregards the 1854 and 1855 treaty rights of Anishinaabe people, and greatly aggravates climate change.

We don’t have long to take action. Last week, Minnesota regulators approved the final permit, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission gave their final approvals. Construction has already started, but it’s not too late. Will you help stop it?

Take action now: Send a message to your Representative to stop Line 3.

The pipes have started to arrive. The work yards are beginning to be constructed, and machines are on the move. We’re running out of time to stop the Line 3 pipeline.

Across the country, communities have fought back against Big Oil -- and won. Duke and Dominion Energy abandoned their plans to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline this summer. Insurance companies backing the Trans Mountain Pipeline are pulling their support. And all major banks have refused to fund Arctic drilling. But Big Oil, Minnesota state officials and the Army Corps of Engineers are pressing forward with Line 3 anyway.

Now, we need Congress to step up and help stop this pipeline. Just a few representatives speaking out could make the difference between continued construction and halting this dirty project. We’ve seen how people power can stop Big Oil, and we need you, John, to use your voice to stop this poisonous pipeline.

50,000 Signatures Still Needed: Help stop the Line 3 pipeline before it’s too late.

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
