Dear Supporter, Did you know it’s been a whopping 11 years since the federal minimum wage was increased? Yes, you read that correctly - 11 years! On July 24, 2009 the federal minimum wage increased to $7.25 and ever since then wages have plateaued while housing, health care and overall cost of living expenses have increased by over 20%!1 It is clear that the fight for fair wages has been pushed aside for far too long. Our essential workers put their lives on the line every day, and their families' livelihoods are at risk now more than ever. This is unacceptable and we must fight for $15! Sign the petition now and demand the new Congress pass a $15 minimum wage in the first 100 days!>> The U.S. House passed the Raise the Wage Act of 2019 which would’ve increased wages to $15 for more than a quarter of all American workers. But the morally bankrupt Senate Republicans refused to pass or even consider the bill. These are the same Senate Republicans who ran their campaigns on the promise of helping everyday Americans. The failure of Senate Republicans to enact positive change in our country is not a bug, it's a feature. We must take bold action right now! In America, we should be waging war against poverty, not against those who fall into it. A route out of poverty begins with raising the federal minimum wage to $15. Sign the petition to help make that possible!>> In solidarity, Amol, People For the American Way [1] "It's been a record 11 years since the last increase in U.S. minimum wage." (CBS News, 7/20.) ![]()