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Dear John

Firstly, if you have already supported our annual fundraising appeal - thank you! We really do appreciate it and it really does make a difference.

Secondly, we wanted to let everyone know some breaking news: The UK Government has finally committed to introducing a set of pesticide reduction targets by 2022. PAN UK has been campaigning for these targets for more than a decade. We need the Government to follow through on its promise and to design targets that massively reduce pesticide-related harms to both human health and the environment. We will continue to work hard to make sure that this happens. 

And finally, we ask that you take a moment to read about some of the other incredible achievements we've had this year, despite everything that 2020 threw at us. We couldn't do this work without people like you. If you can support us with a donation so that we can achieve even more in 2021 we would be very grateful.
Thank you, and best wishes this holiday season,
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Pesticide Action Network UK
The Brighthelm Centre
North Road
Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1YD
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