One of the main goals of The Tea Party movement has always been holding politicians in both parties accountable. Over the years, the work of Tea Party Patriots has proven that elected officials still care about what their constituents think. When an issue arises, we call on our network of supporters to take action and make a difference. This can be done through various avenues, including our groups, mailers, automated calls, and most commonly, our website and email system.
Contact Your Members of Congress There are times when we ask for a grassroots effort to contact specific members, or even all of Congress. When this happens, we will let you know how to best communicate the issue with these legislators. It can be by providing a specific list of representatives that are at the heart of the situation or having you contact your congressman and/or senators. When we do this, you will be provided with a list of these legislators. This is area would show your voting district’s representative and/or your two state Senators. Unfortunately, we do not have your address in our system, and therefore, cannot tell you who they are. Please Update Your Profile to have this key information provided in the future. In the meantime, visit Find your Members of Congress to locate it. We estimated that you live in DC-98. If this is incorrect, please Update Your Profile. To facilitate this communication, we provide a few different ways to get in touch with your legislator: Mail, Phone, Facebook, and Twitter (we will even insert a recommended line of text in the generated tweet).
Sign a Petition Throughout history, petitions have helped to bring about significant changes in government. Notably, nearly 200 years ago, petitions demanding an end to slavery gathered over a hundred thousand signatures and became a catalyst that motivated Congress to take up the issue and eventually outlaw it altogether. In fact, the act of organizing and networking those petition drives helped prepare the women’s suffrage movement for their own political battle years later.
These days, technology allows us to provide you with opportunity to sign a petition in a quick, simple way, with no need to answer the door, pay for postage, or make a trip to the local courthouse. Here is an example of what a petition may look like in your email:
So what happens when you sign a Tea Party Patriots petition? Watch to find out where your petition goes after you sign it:
Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. |