There is a dark anger spreading across the land. President Trump and a majority of people who voted for him believe the election was marred by significant fraud and the system is allowing a dishonest vote to stand. Many Americans are furious and are questioning the nobility of America.
On the other side, many committed leftists never thought the country was noble in the first place. They have cleverly set up a philosophy that tells people of color and the poor that they are victims of “white oppression” and that President Trump is the racist-in-chief. That grievance play, fronted by the Marxist Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, peddles hatred - aided and abetted by the corporate media.
So now traditional-minded Americans face two dilemmas. There is little doubt cheating occurred during the election. Yet, the Supreme Court doesn’t want to hear the allegations because not enough hard evidence has been put forth. In order to overturn a vote, the nation’s highest court would have to see massive evidence of fraud. And there is not time to assemble that especially because some states and almost all the national media oppose investigating the election at all.
Therefore, a good portion of the 74 million people who voted for President Trump are fighting mad, some are even considering walking away from their country.
Then there is this question: if you stay, how do you deal with those who want to destroy the fabric of America and support using nefarious means to do so?
In radical left precincts there is utter hatred for conservative and traditional folks. There is a loathing for many Constitutional rights. Also for religion. A disrespect for private property and self-reliance. The radicals want to diminish personal rights and empower a “woke” central government to impose “social justice,” which includes financially punishing the affluent and profitable corporations.
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