The first COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the FDA
with Emergency Use Authorization this week.
If you or anyone you know is thinking of getting it,
make sure they watch this video first...

YouTube: https://youtu.be/PDwXGfZmUTw
Bitchute: https: https://bitchute.com/video/MGaB8mspGgcP/
All COVID-19 vaccines being approved by the FDA with Emergency Use Authorization at this stage are live human experiments, with the very real possibility of severe, unknown side effects that may be worse than the COVID-19 itself. Here is the question to ask anyone who is considering getting a COVID-19 vaccine in the next 6 months: "Would you have signed up for the vaccine clinical trials? If the answer is no, then you should not be getting the vaccine now. If the answer is yes, and if you are fully informed of the risks of the vaccine and the risks of COVID-19 for you personally, then you should be free to make that choice.
When considering the safety and prioritization of a COVID-19 vaccine, AVFCA has significant concerns regarding vaccine safety, due to the lack of full clinical trials, the lack of manufacturer liability and that the vaccines use novel technology. AVFCA also has concerns that recipients will not be given full informed consent and may be coerced into taking the vaccine fearing discrimination or retribution.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy has written letters to the West Coast Scientific Safety Review Workgroup, the California Community Vaccine Advisory Committee, as well as all 120 California legislators requesting that for any COVID-19 vaccine offered in California they ensure:
- All those offered the vaccine are given full informed consent, explaining the possible benefits, risks, and unknown factors, including information explaining their taking a COVID-19 vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization is experimental, the lack of full clinical trials for safety or efficacy, the lack of manufacturer liability and that the vaccines use novel technology.
- All recommendations, marketing and communication with respect to the COVID-19 vaccine are transparent with respect to the lack of completion of clinical trials and therefore lack of long term safety and efficacy data, the lack of manufacturer liability and transparent about the possible known and unknown side effects.
- The vaccine is only offered to those Californians for whom the serious risk of COVID-19 outweighs the potential risk of the novel vaccine, even if this means limiting vaccination to a small subgroup of Californians.
- Californians are made aware that they have a right to decline the vaccine and will not be discriminated against or suffer retribution for doing so, and that vaccines cannot be required without medical, religious and disability accommodations.
- Disabled and people of color, who have been experimented on throughout US history, are not targeted by giving them vaccines that have not been fully researched.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy also asked that:
- COVID-19 vaccines be researched among those who are sick, pregnant or lactating, or have had COVID-19, before recommending them to these groups.
- Antibodies and T-Cell immunity be researched to determine how long vaccine and natural immunity lasts and if immunity will be conferred if the virus mutates.
- The vaccines be researched to understand if they prevent COVID-19 transmission or just reduce the rate of severe symptoms.
This letter, with further details can be viewed in full here: http://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AVFCA-Vaccine-Safety-and-Prioritization-CA-112820.pdf
Please share this video and this letter far and wide. We will also be creating a flyer on the COVID-19 vaccine safety questions and will send that out in the next week.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
