Hi John,
As a congresswoman, I take the trust of my constituents to heart, always keeping them in mind as I bring the fight for families to Washington.
For too long, the scales in DC have been tipped away from working families. This year, as so many are struggling to keep their families safe, fed, and healthy, we have been frustrated by the failure of the Senate and White House to prioritize relief for families.
But I know there is room for growth. Women across the country are standing up to demand that leaders prioritize our children, health care, and education. And the best way to ensure that the needs of families are met -- rather than the needs of the wealthy corporations -- is to elect leaders who care about the people they serve.
That’s why I’m committed to continuing my work while elevating and empowering the women around me to make their mark on our political system -- but I can’t do it without you.
Right now, we’re $3,072 short of where we need to be to start investing in women and their campaigns right away in 2021. The first months in a cycle are crucial to increasing women’s visibility as viable candidates, and the longer we have this budget gap, the fewer women we’ll be able to help.
Can I count on you to give $10, 25, $50, or whatever you can before midnight to support our efforts?
With your help, we’ll make families a priority in Washington: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/a-womans-place
Thank you!
Mary Gay

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States