Fellow patriot,
Mitch McConnell and his useless RINO sycophants in the Senate turned their backs on President Trump in his fight with Nancy Pelosi...
...and as a result, the border with Mexico remains wide-open to the flood of illegal aliens.
And we won't stand for it anymore. STOP THE BETRAYAL!
Help us dump pinks slips on the RINOs who continue stabbing Trump in the back!
President Trump is defying all the odds and taking America to a new era of success.
But these RINOs are still hellbent on undermining him... so we're going to make them pay!
It's bad enough that GOP Senators are refusing to back up Trump in his strategy to secure the border.
But now GOP Senators Mitt Romney and Mike Lee are directly opposing him...
...by running a bill to stop him from funding the wall!
Mike Lee's excuse for blocking Trump is to "restore the proper balance of power between the three branches."
There's just one problem: a big chunk of the money being allocated for the wall would've otherwise gone to Air Force installations in Utah...which Lee and Romney represent.
...small detail there.
Sean Hannity backed up Trump's plan for the wall:
"The wall is going up, as we speak. Nancy Pelosi is furious. She vowed to challenge the funding in court. Problem is there are laws that we have cited on this program as it relates to the President legally being able to build walls and barriers to stop drug corridors, and that law is also backed up by something called the Constitution."
The devil is indeed in the details... and Trump's enemies don't want you to know those details!
Instead, the RINOs are joining forces with Nancy Pelosi to attempt ONCE AGAIN to block the border wall.
It's time to send an unmistakable message to these traitors: PINK-SLIP THE RINOs!
Will you send a blast-fax RIGHT NOW and help inundate them with pink slips?
Steve Eichler,
CEO, TeaParty.org
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