You know that parliament has been prorogued. But did you know that means the trade bill - which would have allowed MPs a say in trade deals - has been dropped?*
This means MPs no longer have the opportunity to scrutinise trade deals.
Boris Johnson says the NHS won’t be on the table in a US trade deal.
But the truth is, the door is already wide open for private companies. There’s no way we can stop US healthcare giants getting their hands on even more of our NHS without reinstating it as a fully public service.
All politicians need to understand that we need to end privatisation in our NHS if we’re to protect it from a US trade deal. With a potential election on the horizon, this is more important than ever.
Will you donate to send them a strong message in the media with new polling?
The deadline for your donation is next Thursday 26th.
That’s because there’s really no time to lose - we need to get on with this polling as soon as we can.
This is dangerous. We know that conversations are already happening with the US administration. And we know that we can’t protect our NHS from trade deals right now.
We need this government to take our demands for real protection of our NHS seriously.
Without the money, the polling can’t happen. This is our chance to show how the public feels about the NHS and a trade deal. Are you in?
We’ve got three quarters of a million people signed up to this campaign through We’re building a powerful coalition together with Keep Our NHS Public and many other NHS campaigning organisations. We’re lobbying MPs together with you.
Now is the moment to make this crystal clear. We can’t save our NHS from a trade deal without ending privatisation. And the public want the NHS to be safe.
Your donation will make it possible to:
Find out exactly how the public feels about the NHS and trade deals
Use the results to send a clear message to the government – people want the NHS to be properly ‘off the table’
Get the message out to millions - the NHS is already being privatised and it needs to stop now
Ramp up the pressure on all politicians to introduce new legislation to protect our NHS from trade deals by ending privatisation
It will cost us £3000 to carry out national polling and get the message out far and wide in the media and to the public.
If you give £10, and 299 other people do the same - you’ll have made it happen.
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