Credit card donations may be suspended after Sunday
An Urgent Message From Lydia Brimelow To’s Credit Card Donors

First, from the bottom of my heart I want to thank readers for rallying to support our Year-End Appeal—the time when traditionally raises the bulk of its funds.

As of today, donations have reached just over $78,000, some 39% of our $200,000 goal. And we know some checks will still be snail-mailing their way to us.

Second, I have to report some very bad news: on Friday morning, our payment processor of several years standing abruptly sent us an email announcing that because of "violations" of its Service agreement, which it did not specify, it intends to stop working with us after Sunday, December 13.

At this point, I do not know if will be able to process credit card donations beyond that date.

We all know that these are dark days for America. This is further proof.
Right now, I must implore you: if you were intending to make a donation to before the year’s end to take advantage of the tax deduction, and wanted to use a credit card, please do so immediately.

We will always accept snail-mailed checks and money orders to PO Box 211, Litchfield CT 06759. Cryptocurrency addresses are also available at intends to survive, but right now we need all the help you can give us.

Lydia Brimelow Publisher