Weekend Edition, December 12-13, 2020

The State’s Planned Covid Hell Is Coming, and Death Is Coming With It

Gary D. Barnett

The West in Crisis: Subversion From Within

Vasko Kohlmayer

Is Attorney General Barr a Coward?

Has he sold out? Jon Rappoport

Is Our Second Civil War—Also a ‘Forever War’?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Is It Prudent To Confront Strangers for Wearing a Face Mask?

Allan Stevo

OPCW Executives Praised Whistleblower and Criticized Syria Cover-Up, Leaks Reveal

Aaron Maté

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns: Don’t Take a Covid-19 Vaccine Under Any Circumstances

Ethan Huff

Impeachment Should Start With Kamala Harris


America’s Deceitful Elite

Taki Theodoracopulos

In Stunning Rebuke, LA Judge Strikes Down ‘Abusive’ Outdoor Dining Ban As Lacking “Science, Evidence, or Logic’

Tyler Durden

Belt and Road Paranoia Will Rumble on Under Biden

Pepe Escobar

German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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