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Hunter Biden raked in $6M in just nine months from Communist Chinese dealings – and that doesn’t include the 2.8 carat-diamond he got as a ‘gift’
Media and political parties aiding and abetting Communist China's war on America should be indicted and outlawed.

Revealed: Hunter Biden raked in $6M in just nine months from Chinese business dealings – and that doesn't include the 2.8 ...

Justice Department Launches Investigation into Another Biden Family Member
Another kink in the Biden crime family WH heist. Blame the enemedia, which refused to report on this corrupt mob of seditious criminals.

Justice Department Launches Investigation into Another Biden Family Member

James Biden allegedly ...

Members of Georgia Legislature File Brief AGAINST Georgia in Texas Case
GA vs. GA

Members of Georgia Legislature File Brief AGAINST Georgia in Texas Case

By: Election Wiz, December 11, 2020:

ATLANA — Georgia State Senator William Ligon announced that 15 state senators and 12 state representatives ...

Barr Worked to Conceal Hunter Biden Inquiries From Public during Election: Report
President Trump should have purged this creatures of the swamp. There were many steadfast and true who were not called to serve.

Barr labored to conceal Hunter Biden inquiries from public during election: Report

By Daniel Chaitin, Breaking ...

While Chinese Sex Spy Was Screwing Dem. Dupe Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff Put Him in Charge of CIA Oversight
The party of treason has engaged in seditious activity since they declared war on our freedom and our vote. Four years of war by a domestic enemy aided and abetted by our worst enemies.

shitty shitty wang wang bang bag fang fang ...

Trump Middle East Peace: Chanukah Celebrations in DUBAI
OMG – the first of many Chanukah miracles for our magnificent President ……

Historic times. Gd bless President Donald J. Trump.

HISTORIC: #Hanukkah is celebrated in #Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

— ...

TRUMP PEACE: Netanyahu to Make First Official Visit to Egypt in More than a Decade
President Trump has taken relations between Israel and her Arab neighbors to unprecedented heights. And Israel has never had a better Prime Minister than Benjamin Netanyahu. No other Israeli PM comes even close. Watch John Kerry's idiocy about the ...

ELECTION FRAUD PARTY: Democrat Attorneys General Align with PA, MI, WI and GA – Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides
Civil war.

Democrats haven't realized it yet, but this is where we plant our flag. They will not steal and destroy our great nation.

SCOTUS knows that, no matter that they do, half the country will think the election was stolen. So why not ...

Christian Armenians Burn Their Homes As Muslim Azerbaijan Takes Over
‘We also moved our parents’ graves, they will take pleasure in desecrating our graves’: Armenians burn their houses as Muslim majority Azerbaijan takes over

The stalemate in Nagorno-Karabakh region has been around for nearly three decades ...


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