Hi Friend,
So this is Christmas?
Santa Claus won’t be coming to town this year, thanks to California’s job-killing law, AB5. 
Save Santa
Patrick Turnbull is just one of many Santa performers who won’t be performing this Christmas season because of this senseless law. 
AB5 was created under the guise of “protecting workers,” but it hurts independent contractors, including gig economy and seasonal workers, like those who work as Santa characters. 
Rather than allowing independent contractors the flexibility and freedom they seek, the misguided law forces California businesses to classify these workers as employees. 
… And who is going to hire a seasonal worker like Santa for a full-time time?! It makes no sense. 
Save Santa
It’s time to deck the halls of legislatures like California with citizens demanding sensible, smart job-boosting policies—not senseless ones like AB5. 
Watch Patrick’s story and help us save Santa.

Patrice Onwuka