Looking Ahead to 2021!

Dear John,
As the year comes to a close, many people are ready for the end of 2020 and looking ahead to 2021 – perhaps you’re among them. Here at Family Policy Alliance, we’re looking ahead, too!
You may have seen an email introducing me earlier this week as the new President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance. I’m honored to be part of this great ministry. If you haven’t had a chance to “meet” me yet, you can find out more about me here.
I’m happy to share with you that our team at Family Policy Alliance has some exciting plans for 2021! Watch this video or read on to learn more!

- Continuing to build and support the network of Family Policy Councils.
As you may know, one major component of our work at Family Policy Alliance® is supporting and working with state-based pro-family policy organizations, including 32 independent Family Policy Councils (FPCs). These organizations selflessly serve the people of their state by promoting godly, pro-family policy in state governments, and we are honored to call them friends.
In recent years, we at Family Policy Alliance have worked to build up 8 additional state-based organizations. In the coming year, we hope to help some become independent FPCs, with the goal of all 8 eventually taking that step!
That means that 40 states have family policy organizations representing your values at the state level. Eventually, we would love to have all 50 states represented by an FPC. If your state is one of the 10 that does not have an FPC and you would be interested in starting or supporting one, please let us know.
Check our list HERE.
- Growing Family Policy Foundation’s Statesmen Academy.
Our c(3) sister organization, Family Policy Foundation®, is the home to the Statesmen Academy℠. This is a program and community that trains and supports dedicated Christians who feel called to elected office. This hand-selected group of individuals receives detailed training on how to live out their faith in the public square, as well as the nuts and bolts of politics and policymaking. After they “graduate” the training, Statesmen receive ongoing support through community and practical policymaking tools.
This year, 55 of our Statesmen ran for office and 52 were elected – some to a higher office than before!
In 2021, we hope to significantly grow the reach and impact of our Statesmen Academy: stay tuned for updates!
- Continuing to grow our alliance-based work at the national level.
Family Policy Alliance accomplishes much of its work at the state level. Often, though, an issue that we work on in one state is also an issue in another state. This gives us a unique opportunity to work on the same issue in multiple states, with various FPCs, state legislators, and other allies. It also allows us to take those lessons to Washington, D.C., where we work with several national partners to influence national policy discussions.
We are eager to continue growing our influence in that arena in 2021!
That’s just a glimpse of how we plan to partner with you in 2021. Together, we will continue to advance our vision of a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
 Craig DeRoche President and CEO
P.S. Want to learn more, and get the chance to ask me questions live? Watch your email next week for an invitation to join me for a Facebook Live Event. I’ll be sharing more about my story and vision for Family Policy Alliance, and I’ll answer some of your questions, too! Stay tuned!