Ohio Republicans Still Humoring Donald Trump
Last month Sen. Rob Portman penned an op-ed in the Cincinnati Enquirer, writing, "On or before Dec. 8, any ongoing efforts to ensure an accurate count must be concluded and the 2020 election brought to a close."
Portman has continued to humor Donald Trump, refusing to call Joe Biden the president-elect, even as the "safe harbor" deadline -- the date that Portman himself said would bring the 2020 election to a conclusion -- has come and gone this week.

"Rob Portman is worried about his re-election, so he has been cautious in trying not to poke the bear, but the facts are clear -- Joe Biden won an overwhelming victory, crushing Donald Trump by more than 7 million votes in the popular vote and besting him decisively in the Electoral College," said Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper.
"Throughout this post-election process, Rob has tried to sugarcoat what Trump has been doing, which is trying to subvert the will of the voters as he has contacted Republican officials in at least three states and asked them to overturn the results of a democratic election. Trump's lawyers have threatened violence, and armed protesters have intimidated election officials outside their homes. Still Portman has continued to pretend this is just about allowing legal strategies to play out. It's not. Trump's goal isn't to win the election. It's to undermine our democratic process, and Portman has refused to call it out because he cares more about covering his own backside than standing up for American democracy."
Meanwhile, five Ohio members of Congress -- Jim Jordan, Brad Wenstrup, Bill Johnson, Bob Gibbs and Bob Latta -- are backing a Texas lawsuit to throw out the results of the election in four states that Biden won and set aside the votes of tens of millions of Americans, an effort the Pennsylvania attorney general called a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
