
Can you help us get these mailers out to the independent voters in my district? Our polling shows that we will overwhelmingly win independent voters once they learn that my Democrat opponent just backed AOC’s plan for socialism!

We want to drop our first mailer this coming Wednesday, so I need to get the postage funded ASAP. We are still roughly $11k short.

Can you help by contributing anything to cover some of that postage?

We are fighting HARD to keep this seat in the GOP column but to do that we need to win over these independent voters and we need your help to do it!




From: Carl DeMaio
Subject: Need this in the mail ASAP
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019


We have a significant development in my Congressional race and I need your help to capitalize on it!

We just caught my Democrat opponent, who fell only 2% short of flipping this seat in 2018 by pretending to be a moderate, on tape coming out in support of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extreme socialist Green New Deal plan!

Our polling shows that the independents in my Congressional district (who will decide the winner of this race) are strongly opposed to the Green New Deal once they learn about the outrageously high taxes, mandates, regulations and lost freedom that comes with it. By a 5-to-1 margin they will vote against any candidate that backs this extreme socialist agenda!

Here’s the problem: the independents need to be TOLD about my Democrat opponent’s extreme position on this issue.

We are preparing a direct mail campaign to inform the independents and brand my opponent for what he is: an extreme Democrat Socialist. By doing this early mailing program, we are taking a page from the Democrats: BRAND YOUR OPPONENT EARLY!

Can you contribute to help me do this targeted mailer to independent voters?

Contribute Securely: Mailer to Independent Voters

This early mailing program is CRUCIAL for us to retain this Congressional seat, but we do not have the funds to do it. My opponent is definitely NOT a moderate and we need to make sure the independent voters know that EARLY in this campaign so they know the truth.



PS: We want to drop our first mail piece to independents next Wednesday, so please do as much as you can today at this link for the mailer fund: Secure contribution link