Pelosi’s Top-Priorities: Marijuana and Big Cats. Senate Republicans have been hard at work trying to pass a new COVID relief package. Meanwhile, House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi, prioritized passing two pieces of legislation: decriminalizing marijuana and banning the private ownership of big cats in the United States.
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Pelosi’s Top-Priorities: Marijuana and Big Cats 

Senate Republicans have been hard at work trying to pass a new COVID relief package. Meanwhile, House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi, prioritized passing two pieces of legislation: decriminalizing marijuana and banning the private ownership of big cats in the United States. 

Yes, big cats. 

Actions speak louder than words, John, and it is clear that the Democrats are prioritizing trivial legislation that will do nothing for the American people ahead of delivering on much needed COVID relief.

And on Thursday, House Democrats decided to adjourn until Tuesday. They refuse to work on COVID relief. 

More Dirty Tricks From the Left

A group founded by none other than the Left’s fearless leader, Stacey Abrams, is under investigation in Georgia for soliciting voter registration from individuals who have passed away or reside out-of-state. Stacey Abrams, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the far Left will stop at nothing to steal Georgia’s two Senate seats in the upcoming runoff election. 

This fight is far from over. We can not let the Democrats continue to threaten our American election system and destroy the integrity of our democracy. We must continue to stand alongside the President as he works to provide information, look for answers, and then take it to the courts -- Exactly what he should be doing in this situation. 

Bottom line: Dead people can’t vote. People living in New York can’t vote in Georgia. But if we sit back now, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats will ensure they do. 

Democrat on House Intelligence Committee targeted by Chinese Intelligence Operative 

Former Democratic Presidential Candidate, Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA), has been targeted by a suspected Chinese intelligence operative. Swalwell, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, had a close relationship with the Chinese operative and even hired at least one intern as a result of her recommendation. Not only was Swalwell one of the most outspoken Democrats who falsely accused President Donald Trump of Russian collusion, but now, when caught red-handed entangled with a Chinese spy, the Congressmen is silent and refuses to acknowledge any wrongdoing. And Pelosi refuses to hold Swalwell accountable.

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