The fight for democracy doesn't stop. Fuel it today.

As you read this, our All Voting is Local team is fighting a blatant attempt to silence voters, and we need your support immediately.

Georgia's Cobb County removed a whopping six of 11 early voting sites in predominantly Black communities for the upcoming runoff. Although our coalition successfully worked to reinstate two of these sites, early voting sites were vital for voter participation in the national election and must be protected from further removal to ensure a fair and just democracy for everyone.

If you read Vanita's email below, you already know ending racial exclusion in the political process is one of our top priorities and we will hold this new administration accountable. But we can't wait until the new year. The Georgia runoff elections are happening now. We must stay the course and work together to build a truly accessible democracy.

Help us reach our $70K goal. Fuel the fight in Georgia — and knock down barriers to the ballot nationwide.

—The Leadership Conference
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Our movement's next phase is here
Your role in it is critical
Chip in now
Dear Advocate,

I'm hopeful about the days ahead.

This has been a grueling year, to say the least. But I'm hopeful because passionate advocates like you show up time and again to push the movement forward, against all odds.

Today, I ask that you show up right now and make a donation to fuel our fight in this final month, so we can head into 2021 stronger than ever.

For 70 years, we've spoken truth to power and fought on the front lines for civil and human rights. This year is a reflection of that incredible legacy. Across the country, people made their voices heard — demanding police accountability and fair elections, pushing for pandemic relief, and rejecting attempts to divide us.

But we must keep going. Here's a quick rundown of just a few of our coalition's civil rights priorities for the new administration. Together, we'll work to:
  •   Tackle this pandemic by securing a COVID-19 relief package, and then move America toward a racially just economy, including fair housing and lending, workers' rights, and access to health care and education.
  •   End barriers to voting and racial exclusion in the political process and build a truly accessible democracy.
  •   Reckon with the overcriminalization of Black communities and other communities of color, and invest in real support and opportunities for people that uplift their lives and end the scourge of mass incarceration.
  •   Stop the cycle of hate violence and bring communities to the table to collectively recover and heal.
  •   Reverse Trump-era anti-immigrant policies, including repealing the Muslim, African, and immigration bans and ending child and family detention.
  •   Fulfill the promise of equal justice under the law by ensuring fair courts.
And so much more. We're counting on your support to help keep democracy rising.

Today, you can power the work ahead at this critical moment. So don't wait. Make your first gift toward our $70K goal now.

Let's keep pushing until democracy is won.
Vanita Gupta
Vanita Gupta's Signature
Vanita Gupta,
The Leadership Conference
P.S. We're in the final month of a monumental year and we must make it count. Before we go into 2021 — and before the new administration begins — it's imperative that we outline our demands for justice and fairness for all. Chip in now to make our civil rights agenda a reality. Help us reach our goal!
The Final Sprint Give by 12/31
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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