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The Lie of Harmless Pornography

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Cali was trafficked and abused beginning at the age of nine. At 23, she is five years out of that life, but videos of her abuse continue resurfacing on pornography sites no matter how many times she asks to have them removed. “Pornhub has become my trafficker,” she told Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times. Her story is one of many documented in Kristof’s recent investigative column “The Children of Pornhub,” documenting how the pornography industry profits off of rape, abuse, and exploitation, wreaking havoc on the lives of innocent victims, many of whom are minors. Kristof’s article has drawn public attention to the evil being done by Pornhub, prompting a swift response that will hopefully have lasting effects.

Pornhub, owned by Mindgeek, the largest pornography company in the world, is notorious for its willingness to profit from exploitation and abuse. Laila Mickelwait of Exodus Cry launched a petition in February to shut down Pornhub after publishing an article detailing the ways that the company was complicit in exploiting women and children for profit. In March, lawmakers called on the Justice Department to launch an investigation into the company after a missing teenage girl was found in over 50 videos on the website. Pornhub confirmed that she had been a “verified user” when the videos were uploaded, unintentionally highlighting the way that their lax verification standards had enabled her abuse. Her rapist was prosecuted, but Pornhub faced no consequences.

In response to Kristof’s New York Times report, Mastercard cut ties with the company, and Visa suspended their relationship pending investigation. Pornhub attempted to save face by announcing that they were adding verification requirements, ending downloads, and increasing content moderation. 

The “reforms” that the company says they will implement have nothing to do with their concern for the women, men, and children they have exploited for profit, whose lives have been upended and who are haunted by videos of their abuse being consumed by strangers for entertainment, and has everything to do with the company’s bottom line. Laila Mickelwait tweeted in February that she had received confirmation that the executives of Mindgeek had seen her article and that they did not dispute any of her claims! The fact that they were profiting off of rape and abuse meant little to the company, but the possibility of financial losses caught their attention. (CONTINUE READING . . .)

Read the whole piece at The Family Beacon


Putting Political Agenda Ahead of Families, Minneapolis Park Board Votes to Allow Toplessness
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Last month, the nine members of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board voted unanimously to allow female toplessness in city parks by repealing Park Board ordinance PB2-21 which stated, “No person ten (10) years of age or older shall intentionally expose his or her own genitals, pubic area, buttocks or female breast below the top of the areola, with less than a fully opaque covering in or upon any park or parkway, as defined in PB1-1…”

Under Minnesota state statute and Minneapolis city ordinance indecent exposure is prohibited, but neither specifically mentions female toplessness. The November 18 vote means that female toplessness in Minneapolis city parks is now allowed under any and all circumstances.

Those in favor of the repeal claim that it is sexist for PB2-21 to specifically ban exposure of female breasts and that, since men are allowed to go topless in city parks, women ought to be allowed as well. But acknowledging that the anatomical differences between men and women create differing standards of what counts as indecent exposure is not sexist, it is simply a recognition of reality. Men and women are different, and repealing bans on female toplessness in the name of “equality” is part of an ongoing effort to erase or ignore those differences.

Furthermore, it is perfectly reasonable for families to want to be able to bring their children to a local park without their sons and daughters being exposed to partial nudity. Public parks should be spaces that are welcoming to families, but the Minneapolis Park Board is willing to give this up in order to advance an agenda.

Minneapolis residents, let the members of the Parks and Recreation Board know what you think! Families should be able to go to a park without their children being exposed to partial nudity!

Click here to share this piece and get the contact information for Minneapolis's Park Board members


Support LIFE with your holiday shopping!THX_Email Banner.png 

Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?

This is one of the easiest ways to support our mission of advancing life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota! You can support LIFE, FAMILY, and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM while you shop by clicking here (smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1439560) or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Minnesota Family Institute.



Our allies at Pro-Life Action Ministries are holding a Christmas Caroling for Life event on Saturday, December 12. Get more details at plam.org. **Please note that the details of this event may be changed due to evolving COVID-19 restrictions. The PLAM website will always have the latest information.

From PLAM: "Caroling for Life brings the Christmas message of peace and joy to the darkness of the abortion facility. Join other pro-lifers at abortion facilities across the country as we sing our favorite carols reminding abortion-bound mothers that the salvation of the world became possible through the tiny baby Jesus! All are welcome! St. Paul/Minneapolis participants click below to contact Brian W. or call 651-797-6363. We would love to hear from choir directors and musicians."


 Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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 Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families and communities through Christ. As we pivot from a contentious election to the challenges ahead, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.


















































































































































































































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