re: Your Top Issues

Tell us which issues are most important to you before midnight tonight →

Mikie recently asked you to respond to our Official Post-Election Survey and tell us which issues are at the top of your priority list in the new year, and we saw a lot of the same answers cropping up among members of Team Mikie: addressing the pandemic, climate change, health care, and veterans issues.

These issues are important to Mikie, too, as she continues her fight for New Jersey. She’s working to respond to the pandemic and get our country safely back to work; secure the resources hospitals, frontline workers, and small businesses need to get through this health and economic crisis; and protect and expand access to health care and protections for pre-existing conditions.

With the Biden Administration heading to the White House, we have a big opportunity to get things done for New Jersey and our country in the new year, and Mikie is ready to get back to work, but it’s so important that she hears from you.

We’re extending the deadline to respond to our Official Post-Election Survey. Click here and tell us which issues are most important to you before midnight tonight →


Team Mikie

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.