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Are immigrants already rushing back in anticipation of a Biden presidency? exclusive report: November jobs data showed the Immigrant Workforce population, legal and illegal, falling for the 15th straight month year-over-year, the most dramatic contraction for many years. But the contraction is slowing. And other measures of American worker well-being vs. immigrants are also reversing.

Some of this must be due to the economy’s recovery, even if fitful, drawing in foreign workers. However, it may also be the anticipation of a Biden Amnesty that is already luring immigrants back to the US before the election has even been settled.

You won't find any other site tracking American worker well being as closely or diligently as Ed Rubenstein on

Read the whole report here.

As a proud member of the patriotic immigration reform movement, you know firsthand how impactful our work is, and just how badly is needed, particularly during this time of political uncertainty.

I guarantee you that is ready for the challenge no matter what the outcome of these upcoming elections, but the question remains, are you?

If you have already contributed to this effort, you have my sincere and profound thanks. If you haven't, please consider your most generous donation, today!

Lydia Brimelow Publisher