We’re mailing out a new batch of limited-edition ‘Tax the Rich’ stickers for monthly AOC campaign donors. Can we send you one?
You may have seen our new ‘Tax the Rich’ sweatshirt:
All our merchandise is made in the U.S. by union workers paid a living wage. We think that’s worth paying a little extra for, but Fox News apparently disagrees. The right-wing media sphere spent days talking about the price tag on this sweatshirt. The result? We sold out of the first batch — over 5,000 — in just 5 days.
Now, we’re mailing out a new batch of limited-edition ‘Tax the Rich’ stickers for monthly AOC campaign donors. Monthly donations are the financial backbone of this campaign. Small, online contributions give Alexandria and our team the ability to focus on legislating, not fundraising.
Are you in? Just make a monthly donation of any amount right now on ActBlue and we’ll put your sticker in the mail.
Yes, send me a sticker!
If you can’t make a monthly donation, that’s OK. You can still make a one-off donation by clicking here. Every dollar we raise helps us re-elect AOC and grow this movement. We’re extremely grateful for all your support thus far.
Team AOC