Help us fight the radical left! Friday, December 11, 2020 To: Friends & Supporters From: Gary Bauer [Special Notice: You are receiving this message from my non-profit organization, American Values. American Values is renting the Campaign for Working Families e-mail list at fair market value. If you do not wish to receive messages from American Values, please click here to opt-out.] We're Still Fighting! Click here now to make your most generous, tax-deductible donation to American Values. However the election dispute is settled -- and we are fighting as hard as possible along side President Trump and Vice President Pence to expose the fraud -- the fact of the matter is that the president and vice president still have 21 days that they are guaranteed to be in office. While most Americans are preparing for Christmas, we are working with the president and vice president to get as much done as possible in these next 21 days. From the sanctity of life to Iran. . . From defending religious liberty to confronting communist China. . . We're working six days a week -- and praying seven days a week -- to make it as hard as possible for the left to undo what we are helping the president and vice president accomplish. Of course, that means we're spending more money than we have ever spent. And as you are praying for our country, I hope you will pray for our efforts too. I also hope you will make the most generous contribution you can to support American Values. By the way, no donation is too small! If every individual on this list would give just $25 right now we wouldn't have to ask for support the rest of this year and well into next year. So please stand with American Values now! Whatever you can afford -- $10, $25, $50, $100 or more -- will be wisely used to defend our values. American Values can also accept corporate donations, stock gifts and foundation grants. Don't forget that your gifts to American Values are fully tax-deductible, so please be as generous as you can. If you prefer, you can mail a check to: American Values PO Box 1223 Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Thank you for standing with me! MAKE YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION NOW As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to American Values are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be mailed to the following address: American Values PO Box 1223 Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Phone: 703-671-9700 SIGN UP FOR GARY BAUER'S "END OF DAY REPORT" VISIT END OF DAY ARCHIVES EMAIL GARY BAUER FOLLOW GARY ON PARLER American Values | American Values | PO Box 1223, Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by