Dear John:

As Trump runs out of rope for his disgraceful attempts to delegitimize the presidential election, and as the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines begins, America stands on the verge of what we hope will be a new chapter for our country.

However, I and my friends at the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) are keenly aware that the daily assaults on the very foundations of our democracy will not soon disappear and that significant challenges lie ahead.

  • Trump has inflamed racist and undemocratic right-wing extremists and will likely continue to do so from the sidelines.
  • A stacked Supreme Court stands ready to dismantle hard-won rights.
  • And Charles Koch and his fellow plutocrats will continue to bankroll dark money groups to undermine the new administration and block progress in the states on the crises and issues we all care about deeply.

Let’s face it, a second pandemic of constant right-wing disinformation is making America unhealthy and a more dangerous place to live.

That's why the prize-winning investigative work of CMD is so vitally important—and that's why I'm reaching out to you personally to ask for your support of CMD!

As I’ve said before, the first step in winning back our democracy is knowing who has taken it hostage. Thanks to your support, and support from people like you, CMD works in the trenches every day to expose how the Koch Machine, Big Oil, and dark money robber barons secretly sway public officials to dismantle hard-won environmental, worker, and voting rights, and consumer protections so that we have the information we need to fight back!

With all the critical challenges facing our country in 2021—dark money influence, corruption, misinformation, and the new and pernicious attacks on our rights and freedoms that we will surely face this coming year—we need CMD now more than ever.

So please give generously! Your tax-deductible donation will enable CMD to reach its year-end goal of $150,000 and hit the ground running in 2021, serving as the watchdog we have come to rely on—year after year—to shine a light on the corruption and corporate influence that threatens America’s democracy.

Thanks to a $50,000 match, your year-end gift will go twice as far!
Donate Here!

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Together we can win back a democracy that works for all of us!

With deepest gratitude for your generous and ongoing support, and sincerest hope for a healthy and safe New Year,


Robert Reich
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor & Co-Founder, Inequality Media

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, Wisconsin 53725
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