John --

Last night I received this email from a longstanding donor and supporter who wanted to remain anonymous.

I had a quck chat with them on the phone, and they've confirmed that they'll match any donation made to the HOPE not hate Christmas Appeal in the next 48 hours, up to a total of £10,000!

That means that if you donate in the next two days your donation will be worth twice as much - will you chip in now to double your donation and help us keep up the fight in 2021?

We launched our Christmas Appeal this week because - even with the hurculean efforts of our supporters this year - we haven't quite closed our £300,000 funding gap caused by Coronavirus, and it's threatening to impact our work in 2021.

Help us to stop that happening - make a donation in the next 48 hours, double your impact, and close our funding gap.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate CEO

From: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
To: Nick Lowles
Subject: I'll double all donations for 48 hours

Hi Nick.

I got your Christmas appeal message last night and made a donation at this link

I'm proud to be a HOPE not hate member but I can afford to do a bit more... I'm also happy to chip in again for this appeal - what you do is vital.

But maybe it'll be most helpful for me to match what your supporters give for the next 48 hours? I'm happy to do it, and it'd be lovely to know my money was being matched by grassroots supporters. Let me know what you think?

Sent from my iPhone

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