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Ampleforth College failed its latest inspection because of a failure to take "all reasonable, timely and appropriate action to safeguard pupils" and to establish "a well embedded safeguarding culture in the school", according to an emergency Ofsted report.
Health Minister Robin Swann has said those objecting to Covid-19 vaccination on anti-abortion grounds "are not entitled to mislead others". The comments come after unfounded claims on social media that the Pfizer vaccine contains "stem cells from aborted babies".
Street preacher Michael Overd has filed a lawsuit against the police, claiming that he was falsely imprisoned and assaulted by an officer for "being homophobic".
The British government's failure to include Chinese officials in the latest round of its "Magnitsky Sanctions" on human rights abuses has been described as "painful and hurtful" by a leading Uighur activist.
Academics at Cambridge won a cheering victory for free speech when they voted by an overwhelming majority to reject plans from the vice-chancellor to change the rules governing debate at the university.
A group of Catholic high schools in Michigan are suing the state in federal court on claims that emergency health orders banning in-school classes and religious training are unconstitutional.
A joint sitting of both houses of Bhutan's parliament approved a bill on Thursday to legalize gay sex, making the tiny Himalayan kingdom the latest Asian nation to take steps towards easing restrictions on same-sex relationships.
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