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Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania
Yes, even Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, December 10, 2020:

Pennsylvania’s House speaker and majority leader on ...

Hers’ the List of 106 HOUSE GOP LAWMAKERS Who Support Texas (and President Trump’s) Efforts to Invalidate the Election


Six States Formally Join Texas’ Election Lawsuit Against GA, MI, PA, WI
Arizona Joins 20 Other States In Texas Election Lawsuit With The Supreme Court
20 ...

Chanukah Sameach! 🕎
Jews around the world will begin to celebrate the eight-day holiday of Chanukah tonight. We celebrate the miraculous triumph of the Maccabees, but really, we remember that whatever the odds, the righteous fight is the one worth fight for, worth ...

Six States Formally Join Texas’ Election Lawsuit Against GA, MI, PA, WI
The six states that formally joined the lawsuit had all voiced public support for the lawsuit this week along with 11 other states. Every state must join in defense of the integrity of our elections.

Contact your Attorney General. Find your AG ...

TRIUMPH: Arizona Senate Will Hold Official Legislative Hearing Into Election Fraud, Complete With Subpoena Power
We are the majority. Act like it.

VICTORY: Arizona Senate Will Hold Official Legislative Hearing Into Election Fraud, Complete With Subpoena Power

Members of the Arizona Legislature are finally working to expose voter fraud within the state ...

Fox News Loses Ratings Battle to Competitor Newsmax for the First Time Ever
Keep it up, Team Trump. Fox News has betrayed President Trump and his supporters, and they must pay a big price for doing so. And President Trump is right. Most of the anchors on Fox News are not watchable. It is Hannity, Tucker, Levin, and a few ...

YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers
YouTube, in submission to Communist China's preferences, announced they will be censoring all videos about 2020 Election Fraud.

EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

By: Natalie Winters, ...

GA Election Officials Demonstrate Changing Votes On Voting Machines

Coffee County GA Election Officials Demonstrate Changing Votes On Voting. Watch.


Scan Batches Of Ballots Multiple Times

Scan & Vote With Blank Ballots

Decide ...

PEACE: President Trump announces Israel-Morocco peace deal – 4th Trump Middle East peace deal
Just incredible. Another historic achievement for President Trump. Another gift President Trump has given to Israel. The normalization between Israel and Morocco has huge significance. Morocco was home to roughly 350,000 Jews prior to the ...

LISTEN LIVE: Trump v. Biden Wisconsin Federal Evidentiary Hearing
LISTEN LIVE: Trump v. Biden Wisconsin Federal Evidentiary Hearing By The Wiz on December 10, 2020 •


Facebook Fact Checker Funded by Chinese Money Through TikTok
The left axis of evil is waging war every front.

President Trump to ban Chinese-Owned TikTok


Facebook ‘fact checker’ worked at Wuhan lab
‘What are we doing?’ NYU offers course ‘Reporting on the Far Right’ ...

Joe Biden’s BROTHER as Well as His Son Hunter Under Fed. Investigation for China Money Laundering
Corrupt Democrat media complex refused to report on this crushing betrayal BEFORE the election.

Beijing Biden’s Son Hunter Under Investigation By The Feds For Chinese Money Laundering

Joe Biden’s brother also reportedly under federal ...

A Blazing Tribute
Photo: Kathy, me and her husband Arnie ….

I recently received tragic news concerning a beloved colleague, Kathy Shaidle of Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury is gravely ill. Kathy is a blog editrix, author, columnist, poet and wife —  ...

PERFIDY: Dangerous Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used in US
This week far-left terror funder and Nazi collaborator George Soros appointed Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of SGO, which owns the Smartmatic voting software company, to be the new president of the Open Society Foundations, his global ...

Trump administration plans to release list of antisemitic groups who promote boycott of Jews (BDS)
President Trump is a righteous righteous among the nations.

Trump administration plans to release list of BDS groups

Aside from government-funding issues, the purpose behind the list is to issue a “public condemnation” of the ...


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