Friend -- If you take a step back, All On The Line's work is so much more important than just the lines on a map. What we're really doing is rebuilding the infrastructure of our democracy.
Ten years ago, we didn't do enough to stop politicians from abusing and manipulating the system in their favor -- but next year, we'll have the chance to make things different.
The 2021 redistricting process will set the tone for the next decade of politics. Fair maps are an absolute prerequisite to giving power back to the people, where it belongs.
I'll be blunt, friend -- All On The Line's power is only as strong as its supporter network. Can you contribute to help us finish the year strong?
A key difference between what happened in 2011 and what will happen in 2021 is our grassroots movement. Concerned citizens like you are going to decide whether or not we are successful. It's time to tell lawmakers that enough is enough by testifying at hearings, writing letters to the editor of your local newspapers, and organizing your community.
Our grassroots movement understands something really fundamental about this country -- that it is up to each of us to make a better future possible. Will you pitch in, whatever is most comfortable for you, to help us grow our movement before 2021?
I am proud of all of you for doing this work. I know the fights can be difficult, but we are chipping away at an unfairly entrenched political system that has failed the American people. Together, we can replace it with a democracy that's more representative of we the people.
We're going to win this,
Eric H. Holder, Jr.