Hi Friend,

One of the biggest issues this election cycle is court packing

Court packing occurs when politicians tamper with the size of the judiciary, adding additional judges in order to control the outcome of cases.

Leftist politicians and special interest groups want the public to believe the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court was a form of “court packing.” 

It wasn’t. That nomination and confirmation process was carried out in the constitutionally proper way.
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Here is what you need to know about the structure of the Supreme Court:
  • For more than 150 years, the U.S. Supreme Court has consisted of 9 members (8 associate justices and 1 chief justice).
  • Some politicians want to increase the size of the Court, adding justices who support their policy agenda.
  • Tampering with the size of the Court will turn our independent judiciary into a dependent and subordinate instrument of politicians—one that is impossible to square with the Constitution’s separation of powers.
  • Packing the Court is what totalitarian dictators do to cement their power and control their people. And it is truly radical.
  • Packing the Court would change the fundamental structure of our government, depriving the judiciary of the ability to check unconstitutional government overreach.
  • Moreover, adding new justices in an attempt to control the Court will ignite a judicial arms race where each party seeks to add justices whenever it is in power. It could be a nightmare.
  • Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was against increasing the size of the Court.
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Meddling with the size of the Court undermines our system of justice.

We must protect judicial independence and stop court packing. 

Please read and share this critical information from Independent Women’s Law Center.


Jennifer C. Braceras
Independent Women’s Law Center