
Joe Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. The margin is large and the mandate is clear.

Yet, Donald Trump and a handful of his biggest enablers are still dragging their feet on acknowledging Biden as the president-elect. Even worse, 17 Republican Attorneys General are now backing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in his outrageous, frivolous lawsuit contesting the certified election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Despite no evidence whatsoever, they are bringing this lawsuit to the Supreme Court to try and undo Biden’s resounding electoral victory. They know they won’t win, but they’re trying to sow doubt about the legitimacy of this election.

We want to let Ken Paxton know how we feel about his brazen attempt to undermine our election process. Will you add your name to our petition today to tell Ken Paxton that enough is enough? It’s time for the country to come together, heal, and get through this pandemic.

Maybe Trump called Ken Paxton (himself reportedly the subject of a legal investigation) and put him up to this. Or maybe he’s auditioning for a VP pick in Trump’s presumed 2024 presidential bid. Either way, it’s time for the games to stop.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage throughout the country and we’re going to have to work together to get through this.

Sign on to our petition and tell Ken Paxton that enough is enough.


Serve America