
Volume 23 • Issue 49 • December 10, 2020
The Act ends the decades-long government monopoly on the cultivation of cannabis for use in FDA-approved clinical trials.
Among adolescents who reported any use of marijuana in the past month, the frequency of use declined by 16 percent following legalization.
"[U]sers indicated that cannabis improved CPP-related symptoms, decreased reliance on the health care system, and helped reduce use of opioid medications."
Over half of respondents who reported using cannabis for both recreational and medical purposes acknowledged using "combustion methods nearly every day."
"This review highlights the potential promise of cannabis-based products in the treatment of insomnia disorder."
"We have agreed ... to suspend random testing for marijuana for the 2020-21 season," the NBA has announced.
Survey: Supermajority of Americans Support Expunging Marijuana-Related Convictions Details
12/08/20 10:38pm UTC
New Jersey: Legislative Leaders Reach Consensus on Marijuana Legalization Plan Details
12/07/20 9:44pm UTC
HISTORIC: House of Representatives Approves Bill to End Federal Marijuana Prohibition Details
12/04/20 7:08pm UTC
New Jersey: Attorney General Issues Directive Halting Low-Level Marijuana Prosecutions Details
11/25/20 4:20pm UTC
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