
It was a hot and muggy day but that didn’t stop our activists from coming out directly outside McConnell’s office to call him out for selling out his voters for campaign cash and partisan advantage.

Now he’s on the defense! So we need our grassroots supporters to chip in. Our activists rallied on a blistering hot day - so let’s TURN UP the heat on McConnell.

MAYDAY activists rallied with allies and Cleanup Carl outside Mitch McConnell’s office in Louisville, KY this week

Mitch McConnell is beatable. He’s never been more vulnerable. His approval rate has fallen to 25% in his home state.[1] Nearly 60% of his voters say they disapprove of his job in the Senate.[2]

That means we MUST keep the pressure up. Now’s the moment. Will you help?

McConnell is refusing to take action to protect our elections while taking toxic campaign cash from voting machine lobbyists who want to keep our system vulnerable.

Now he’s trying to justify a measure that doesn't include requiring paper ballots or election audits.

“Giving states taxpayer money to buy hackable, paperless machines or systems with poor cybersecurity is a waste!” -Senator Ron Wyden

Tell Mitch we REFUSE to back down:

>> Give $5 <<
>> Give $10 <<
>> Give $25 <<
>> Give $100 <<

We’ve been going hard against McConnell all summer. But we need to raise the funds to keep it up. Will you help?

Thank you for all you do,


MAYDAY America

[1] Mitch McConnell: Favorable/Unfavorable Real Clear Politics, accessed 9/20/19

[2] Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell, The Hill, 2/21/19


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