Looking Back on 2020

As this unprecedented year draws to a close, we’re looking back on everything our volunteers, members, and staff accomplished. We came together virtually to mobilize thousands of passionate advocates for reproductive health and rights; we educated millions of students about the dire population challenges facing the planet; and we raised awareness of global population issues. Take a look at some highlights from the last twelve months!
Double the Impact of Your Tax-Deductible Year-End Gift—up to $55,000!
A group of generous supporters like you will match all gifts made through midnight on December 31st, up to $55,000! These supporters include the Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation of Maryland and JoAnn Sivley Ruppert of New Mexico, and they are eager to inspire YOU to make your own generous contribution today, which will be matched dollar for dollar to double your impact. You can stretch your donation to help do even more in the year ahead to work toward a stable global population. But please hurry! Their generous offer expires on midnight, December 31st.
Meet the Educators Using the World of 7 Billion Video Contest as a Teaching Tool
Population Education’s World of 7 Billion student video contest challenges middle and high school students to connect the dots between global population growth and major environmental and social challenges facing us today. To celebrate this contest’s tenth year, PopEd staff reached out to educators from around the world who have assigned the contest to their students. These dedicated teachers shared why the annual contest continues to be a valuable way to teach their students about the pressing, real-world issues caused by human population growth. Read their insights on the PopEd blog!
Population and Climate Change: What Are the Links?
With 2 billion people to be added to our human ranks by 2050 and an additional 1 billion more by 2100, demographic trends and variables play an important role in understanding and confronting the world’s climate crisis. Population growth, along with increasing consumption trends, increases emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases. Rapid population growth worsens the impacts of climate change by straining resources and exposing more people to climate-related risks—especially in low-resource regions. Check out some of our new resources exploring the links between population and climate change available on our website!