From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Happy Hanukkah from ADL
Date December 10, 2020 9:17 PM
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Dear John,

At Hanukkah, Jews celebrate the Festival of Lights to remember the courage of the Maccabees and their followers, a resistance movement to the forces that had invaded Jerusalem and outlawed the Jewish faith. These Jewish freedom fighters stood up together for their beliefs in a time of danger and darkness.

The theme of darkness and light is not unique to Judaism; indeed, it is common in winter traditions of many faiths and cultures. Light has different meanings for different people: the presence of something greater than ourselves, truth, liberation, security, hope, love...

These days, it is the darkness of hatred that is our concern.
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We remember the four people who were murdered on this date last year in an antisemitic shooting that started at a Jersey City Kosher market. We remember Rabbi Josef Neumann, who passed away after injuries from a shocking attack by a machete-wielding invader while celebrating Hanukkah in his home in Monsey, NY last December. These were part of a surge in violent attacks on the Orthodox Jewish community, a capstone of a year when ADL tracked the highest number of antisemitic incidents since we began keeping those records.

But together we can be a mighty beacon of light...

As I said from the stage during a vast March Against Hate that filled the New York streets soon after that wave of attacks:

&ldquo;... I might not wear a long coat. I might not have a black hat. But those are my Jewish brothers and sisters. These are attacks on my family. Because we are all part of one Jewish family. Whether Satmar or Chasidic, Orthodox or Reform, observant or unaffiliated, Jews of color or Jews by choice, we are all part of the same Jewish family and an attack on one Jew is an attack on all Jews.&rdquo;

ADL also stands shoulder to shoulder with our allies to say we must all stand united when people are targeted because of the color of their skin, the country they were born in, or any reason they are seen as the &ldquo;other.&rdquo;

As part of the ADL community, you stand with us as we work to bring light to the darkness. Each of us, as we stand up against hate, is one small light that, combined with others, can become a beacon.
Happy holidays from ADL,

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Please join us on social media and #ShareTheLight. Share a photo, message of hope, a moment of light in honor of those who have fallen victim to violent #hate.

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