Today is international Human Rights Day, and it’s a chance to recommit ourselves to the hard work ahead. Right now we have the opportunity to better the lives of America’s children—and we’re doubling down.
As we near the end of a year that has laid bare longstanding racial and economic disparities and look ahead to welcoming a new administration and a new Congress in January, we are hopeful, yet determined. We know that we cannot let up in our fight for bold policy changes that are desperately needed to protect the rights of all children across America—to finally end child poverty, keep children safely with their families, and ensure they have access to comprehensive and affordable health care, nutritious food, and the safe homes and communities they need.
We know that we cannot do this without your help. We need your voice, your energy, and, yes, your financial support. Please make a gift to the Children’s Defense Fund today. Thanks to a generous matching donor, your contribution will be doubled to help fight for the change our children need. There is so much work to be done to ensure that children have what they need to thrive, especially during a pandemic that continues to hit families of color and families living in poverty hardest. We’re up for the challenge—are you? With hope and gratitude,
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