Congress Fixes Flaws in NYC-Area Coastal Defense Planning
The House has passed an updated Water Resources Development Act that the Senate is expected to approve soon. The bill would address major criticisms of a stalled Army Corps of Engineers study of how to protect New York City from rising seas.
Venezuelan Residents in Juridical Limbo Since Closing of New York Consulate Adding to the calamity of having fled a dreadful humanitarian crisis back home, the growing community of Venezuelans in New York is experiencing a new dramatic obstacle due to the closing of their country’s consulate in Manhattan.
Pandemic Slows Down Efforts to Reduce NYC’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The de Blasio administration has made strides toward reducing carbon emissions. But cuts to organics recycling, delays to establishing commercial waste zones, even the slowdown in closing Rikers could hamstring New York’s ability to make the fast, deep reductions that the climate emergency requires.
Schools Begin to Reopen (Again): Following the citywide school closure on Nov. 19, we covered the Mayor's new approach for reopening public schools. First to resume in-person instruction were pre-K and elementary schools on Monday, along with District 75 schools on Thursday.
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La importancia de la ayuda económica para latinos en la pandemia Las negociaciones en el senado están en marcha para que se decida si habrá o no un nuevo paquete de ayuda y de qué tipo será. En medio de este tira y afloja, la pregunta es ¿se incluirá a los indocumentados, aún cuando ellos han pagado impuestos?
Artistas latinos reportan: mayores pérdidas económicas, mayor desempleo, en mayor medida han visto su salud o la de su familia afectada directamente por el coronavirus y en un mayor porcentaje no tienen seguro médico.
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Opinion: It’s Time to Do Away With NYC’s Tax Lien Sale—The Giuliani Plan That Won’t Die
Most cities do not sell their tax liens to a private trust. Many have programs which help homeowners pay off their debt and repair their neglected rental properties. Other cities also allow nonprofits to buy back the lien and then work out a payment plan with the property owner.
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