Dear John -

The season is busy but so is the CCL DC chapter! Too much to fit in today's email so be sure to check out chapter calendar at

Below are a few highlights: It's not too late to help build political will for our lobby team by taking a climate action. Call your Member of Congress today to ask them to support bipartisan climate action. You can always find the current DC script here:
For your friends and family in other districts, see

Saturday, December 12 at 1ET


Monthly Call: Christiana Figueres


Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker. 

With President-elect Joe Biden vowing to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement in January—and as we celebrate the 5-year anniversary of that accord—we turn to Christiana Figueres to get an overview of where things stand globally on national commitments to fight climate change and what's needed going forward. Figueres was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 2010 until 2016, during which she marshaled 196 countries to sign the Paris accord in 2015. Following her tenure with the UNFCCC, she co-founded Global Optimism, which "exists to catalyse transformative actions in our world" to tackle climate change.

The DC Chapter is invited to watch the webinar together on our Chapter Zoom

What: CCL Monthly call with Guest Speaker Christiana Figueres
When: Saturday, December 12, 1pm ET
More details and RSVP here:

Saturday, December 12, 7PM ET


CCL-DC Holiday Party

We're hosting a virtual holiday party! Join us as we catch up on each others' lives. Wear some holiday garb and bring some holiday nosh.

What: CCL DC 2020 Holiday Party

When: Saturday, December 12, 7pm ET

More details and RSVP here:

Optional: Join us (same Zoom) an hour early at 6pm for a conference recap. Attendees are invited to share their reflections about the conference. If you missed the conference no worries! All the recordings and presentations have been posted (along with past conference videos) at

We miss you and are looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Upcoming Events

Every Wednesday Dec 2  - Jan 5: Join CCL volunteers and EVP as we support the Georgia Senate races. RSVP:
December 13: Effective Communications Training: How to have healthy conversations with those you differ with by using Motivational Interviewing
December 19: Book Club - "Black Faces, White Spaces" by Carolyn Finney (promo code: "members")
As always, keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at:
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