Environmental Working Group
We have huge news! EWG just launched a new category for the EWG VERIFIED™ program: Diapers!
And we’re thrilled that healthynest is the first brand to bring EWG VERIFIED diapers to the market!
Why did we choose to add diapers to the VERIFIED program? Like the market for personal care products, the diaper market is weakly regulated, so manufacturers don’t have to disclose their ingredients publicly or test their products for harmful chemicals, like formaldehyde.
Diapers are one of the things new parents research most. Disposable? Reusable? Allergens? Skin rashes? Fragrance free? Absorbent? Waterproof? What a parent should not have to research is whether a diaper is made with ingredients and materials that can harm their baby’s health.
A diaper bearing the EWG VERIFIED mark has met the highest standards for health and transparency, created in the interest of public health.
Use the resources below to learn more about EWG VERIFIED and our first EWG VERIFIED Diapers brand, healthynest.
Our children deserve the best.
EWG VERIFIED™ for baby.
Learn more:
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Announcing the first EWG VERIFIED™ diaper, healthynest:
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Are diapers harming children's health?
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Quick tips for choosing safer diapers:
Get your free tipsheet!
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Get the dirty details on diapers.
Read the report:
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EWG's mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. EWG is a non-profit and non-partisan organization. The EWG Action Fund, a separate sister organization of EWG, is a legislative advocacy organization that promotes healthy and sustainable policies.
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