From Neil Brown - Poynter <[email protected]>
Subject You value the truth
Date December 10, 2020 1:04 PM
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Support the essential workers who seek it.
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Dear Poynter supporters,

You value honest, independent information. That’s why the team at Poynter has worked tirelessly to elevate the journalism you’ve depended on so heavily this year.

Consider this: In 2020, Poynter gave away $500,000 worth of tuition to journalists and college educators so that they could have access to the support and resources needed to report on the pandemic, spotlight the fight for social justice and cover a momentous election year.

Why would Poynter make such a sacrifice in a year that brought unprecedented business challenges? Because we understand that journalists are essential workers. And just like those working on the frontlines on healthcare, teaching our children or making sure we can get groceries, gas and mail – we also leaned on journalists to get the information we needed to make decisions critical to our life.

You know what it felt like to be a citizen this year. Here’s what it was like for journalists this year.
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Watch, learn and give to Poynter to support the journalists you rely on.

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It’s never been more important.

Thank you for your generous support.

Neil Brown
The Poynter Institute

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The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a global leader in journalism education and a strategy center that stands for uncompromising excellence in journalism, media and 21st-century public discourse.

The Poynter Institute | 801 Third Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 |

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